Owen Rumney

Software Engineer

Its reasonably easy to run a Spark job against HBase using the newAPIHadoopRDD available on the SparkContext.

The general steps are,

  1. create an HBaseConfiguration
  2. create a SparkContext
  3. create a newAPIHadoopRDD
  4. perform job action

To get this working, you’re going to need the HBase libraries in your build.sbt file. I’m using HBase 1.1.2 at the moment so thats the version I’m pulling in.

"org.apache.hbase" % "hbase-shaded-client" % "1.1.2"
"org.apache.hbase" % "hbase-server" % "1.1.2"

Creating the HBaseConfiguration

This requires, at a minimum, the zookeeper URI. In my environment the test and the production have different ZOOKEEPER_ZNODE_PARENT so I’m passing that in to override the default.

def createConfig(zookeeper: String, hbaseParentNode: String, tableName: String): Configuration = {
  val config = HBaseConfiguration.create()
  config.set("zookeeper.znode.parent", hbaseParentNode)
  config.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", zookeeper)
  config.set("hbase.mapreduce.inputtable", tableName)

Creating the SparkContext

The SparkContext is going to be the main engine of the job. At a minimum we just need to have the SparkConf with the job name.

val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(jobname)
val spark = new SparkContext(conf)

Creating the newAPIHadoopRDD

We have a HBaseConfiguration and a SparkContext so now we can create the newAPIHadoopRDD. The newAPIHadoopRDD needs the config with the table name and namespace and needs to know to use a TableInputFormat for the InputFormat. We’re expecting the class of the keys to be ImmutableBytesWritable and for the values a Result.

val zookeeper = "hbase-box1:2181,hbase-box2:2181"
val hbaseParentNode = "/hbase"
val tableName = "credit_data:accounts"

val config = createConfig(zookeeper, hbaseParentNode, tableName)

val hBaseRDD = spark.newAPIHadoopRDD(config,

Performing the Job Action

Thats all we need, we can now run our job. Its contrived, but consider the following table.

key d:cl d:cb
1234678838472938 1000.00 432.00
9842897418374027 100.00 95.70
7880927412346013 600.00 523.30

In our table, we have a key with the credit card number and a ColumnFamily of d: which holds the column_qualifiers cl (credit limit) and cb (current balance).

For this job, I want to know all the accounts which are at >90% of their available credit.

case class Account(ccNumber: String, limit: Double, balance: Double)

val accountsRDD = hBaseRDD.map(r => {
    val key = Bytes.toStringBinary(t._1.get())
    val result = t._2.getFamilyMap("d")
    val limit = Bytes.toDouble(result.get("cl"))
    val balance = Bytes.toDouble(result.get("cb"))
    Account(key, limit, balance)

That gives us a nicely typed RDD of Accounts we can use to do our filtering on.

val eligibleAccountsRDD = accountRDD.filter(a => {
    (a.balance / a.limit) > 0.9

That gives the matching accounts which we can now extract the account number for and save to disk.

val accountNoRDD = eligibleAccountsRDD.map(a => {

The save location will now be a folder with the created part-xxxxx files containing the results. In our case…